Professional competence is the habitual and judicious use of communication, knowledge, technical skills, clinical reasoning, emotions, values, and reflection in daily practice for the benefit of the individual and community being served. – Epstein and Hundert
Honesty and Integrity are the foundation for building an ethically minded resident who adheres to higher standards. By instilling strong foundations and by creating a culture of honesty and integrity, residents will do the right thing during times of supervision and when no one is watching.

Professionalism is one of the core competencies and also relates to medical knowledge, and patient care.
Simulation Based Surgical Training

Simulation Based Surgical Training - Residents are trained through hands on simulations, case based presentations, cadaver labs and early hands surgical experience. Pictured Left: Residents train in the SPARTA Lab on Joint Arthroplasty Techniques with Dr. Lobrano.
Microscope Training Lab
Arthroscopy Lab
Surgical Cadaver Lab
The Medical Professionalism Project professionalism charter states:
“Market forces, societal pressures, and administrative exigencies must not compromise this principle”
Ethics and Professionalism Lecture Series
Dr. Shane Barton M.D. Chairman and M.P.H. Candidate lectures a routine series focusing on how to maintain a high morale code.
Click on this excellent article in JGME for guidance.
Ethics and Professionalism Lecture Series
Arthroscopy Training Lab
Microscopic Surgery Training Lab
Cadaver Surgical Training Lab