Medical Sustainability encompasses a variety of areas of long lasting high quality medical care. In order to continue high quality care for all of our patients including our underserved populations, we train residents to understand efficiency and provide value based medicine while conserving resources.
Medical Resource Sustainability leads to competency in the ACGME core competencies of System-Based Practice, and Practice-Based Learning and Improvement.
Grand Rounds Feb 27th, 2023

Wide Awake Local Anesthesia No Tourniquet (WALANT)
By Performing WALANT, Hospital Costs can be Decreased, Medical Waste reduced, and Resources can be better utilized to improve efficiency.
Environmental Sustainability
Hospital systems use a variety of resources with impact on the environment such as energy, water, supply chain and creation of waste.
By educating residents through quality improvement projects and a focus on cost benefit analysis research we educate residents on the importance on conserving resources.
Resource Management
Through our business, professionalism and ethics lecture series, Dr. Patrick Massey M.D. , M.B.A. teaches residents the importance on utilizing resources efficiently. Residents also participate in Cost Analysis Research.
Technologic competence
Residents are sent to meetings for practice management with social media.
Additionally, residents are trained on several different Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems to have a broad understanding of multiple system
Business management

Through our business, professionalism and ethics lecture series, Dr. Patrick Massey M.D. , M.B.A. teaches residents Business Accumen so they graduate with an understanding of the business of medicine. Residents are fully trained in CPT coding, ICD-10 Coding, DRG (Diagnostic Related Group), legal issues and contract negotiations.
Residents Attend Business Classes with topics ranging from health care law to building and coding and Value Based Medicine.
2021 - Presented a project on Medical Waste During the Pandemic at the Annual UGRAP Meeting

2019 – Lecture on Contracts by LOA lawyer
2020 – Lecture on Practice Management and Practice models – Patrick Massey M.D., M.B.A.
